
Carabrown malt was developed on the light side of the brown malt style in order to retain some residual sweetness while still delivering an assortment of lightly toasted flavors. The overall character is an exceptionally smooth and clean tasting malt that begins while a slightly sweet malty flavor before delivering its payload of toasted flavors, then finishing clean and somewhat dry.

Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).
*50 lb whole bags are available for special order. Give us a call or fill out this form regarding ordering whole bag(s).

Brown malt with additions up to 25% typically for:

  • Bitters
  • Pale Ales
  • Milds
  • Wheat Beers / Weiss / Weizen
  • Bocks
  • Oktoberfest / Marzens
  • Scotch Ales

5-10% Subtle Sweet Malty, Lightly Toasted Flavors and Light Brown/Orange Color Contributions
10-15% Smooth, more Accentuated Toasty, Biscuity, Nutty, Graham Cracker Flavors and Slightly Dry Finish
15-25% More pronounced yet Smooth Toasted, Biscuity, Nutty, Graham Cracker Flavors and Slightly Dry Finish
Characteristics: Smooth, Clean Tasting, Slightly Sweet Malty
Color: Light Brown to Orange Hues
Type: Brown Malt
Origin: USA
Lovibond: 41