
Flaked White Wheat offers the benefits of unmalted wheat in a convenient flaked form. Unmalted wheat has a strong grain flavor, and a very light straw color. It is used in many traditional Belgian styles to add flavor and cloudiness, and improve head formation. Unlike raw, whole grains, the starch in flaked wheat is pre-gelatinized, so a separate cereal mash is usually unnecessary. However, the protein content is high. Depending upon use, a protein rest may be required.

Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).

Note: Consider including rice hulls in grain bills over 10% wheat.

Characteristics: Slightly Nutty
Usage: Up to 40%
Color: Light to Medium Brown
Type: Adjunct / Pregelatinized Flakes
Origin: USA
Color: 1.5 SRM