$1.29 – $74.99
This is a superb example of a classic Vienna malt. It finishes exceptionally clean and contributes light golden hues and is less modified than Pale Ale Malt and less intensely kilned than Munich Malts. It has a sufficient enzyme level to support the inclusion of even the most demanding specialty malts without extending the brewing cycle.
Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).
Characteristics: Rich Malty, Hints of Biscuity Notes, Finishes Exceptionally Clean
Usage: Up to 100% Vienna and Oktoberfest/Marzen beer styles, Ales and rich, full flavored dark beers
10% or more All but the lightest beer styles for additional flavor; Especially helpful for developing warm, malty and light biscuity flavors; High gravity beers like Bock beer
Color: Contributes Light Golden Color
Type: Base Malt / Specialty
Origin: USA
Lovibond: 3.5
Range: 0L-5L