$2.29 – $79.99
This malt is often used in Hefeweizen and other traditional wheat styles due to a distinctive, characteristic wheat flour flavor. It runs efficiently through the brewhouse even with slightly higher protein than White Wheat Malt. You can use this malt as a part or all of your base malt in wheat beers.
Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).
Characteristics: Creamy, Sweet, Malty, Wheat Flour
Usage: 5% Improves head and head retention in any beer style
10-20% Typical usage in a Kolsch beer
30-40% Use with raw wheat or wheat flakes in traditional Belgian Wit and common usage rate in wheat beers
Color: Contributes Light Straw Color
Type: Wheat Malt
Origin: USA
Lovibond: 3
Range: 0L-5L