$2.29 – $89.99
This smoked malt is produced using cherry wood. It is a unique, enzyme-active specialty malt with a blend of pronounced smoke and subtle fruity flavor with malty sweetness that is surprisingly smooth and clean.
Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).
Characteristics: Pronounced Smoke, Subtle Fruity, Malty Sweet, Smooth, Clean
Usage: 5-10% for noticeable smoke character in lighter styles such as Scottish Ales and Oktoberfests
10-20% for pronounced smoke character in lighter styles like Scottish Ales and Oktoberfests
30-60% for noticeable to pronounced smoke character in darker styles like Stouts and Porters
Note: It is recommend limiting usage to 60% of the grist.
Color: Contributes Deep Amber Hues
Type: Smoked Malt
Origin: USA
Lovibond: 5
Range: 0L-5L