$1.69 – $3.49
Crisp Torrefied Wheat is a pre-gelatinized unmalted brewers wheat that has long been used by brewers up and down the UK to provide additional head potential on all beer styles. It can be used as a cereal grain/adjunct in the mash and can replace malted wheat if desired. The higher molecular weight proteins and glycoproteins increased body and head retention, as well as promote mouthfeel with a very slight toasted flavor. It is especially useful when base malts are particularly low in nitrogen/protein. It is highly recommended to use Rice Hulls with this grain to avoid a "stuck" mash.
Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).
Malt Flavor: Slight Grain
Usage: Up to 10%
Type: Cereal / Pre-Gelatinized Unmalted Wheat / Adjunct
Origin: UK