$1.29 – $3.69
Melanoidin malts are highly modified specialty malts; in terms of starches and proteins, designed to impart intense malty flavor and aroma to beer recipes. Use Caution! Overuse of this ingredient can lead to unpleasant results.
Melanoidin malt is an excellent basis for particularly strong, dry-full-bodied and dark to chestnut-red beers such as Dunkel Lagers, Red Ales, IPAs, Scotch Ales, Doppelbocks and Dubbels. It can be used up to 40% of a grain bill.
Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs)
Use: Up to 40% on dark and rust-colored beers, Alt, Märzen, Bock beer, wheat beer and all other beer styles.
Type: Melanoidin
Lovibond: 30
Range: 25L – 35L