Spicy and phenolic, this yeast emulates the intensity and complexity of some of the best monastic breweries in Belgium, high attenuation and alcohol tolerance allows you to brew a huge range of Belgian beers.
Aroma – This yeast develops ripe fruit, especially plum like esters during fermentation which are prominent in the finished beer, it will also show a lightly balanced phenolic character.
Flavor/Mouthfeel – Beers fermented with this yeast exhibit excellent classic Belgian ale flavor, clove hints with a multitude of fruit esters, alcohol and banana character.
Higher ABV Beers – High alcohol beers are this strains bread and butter, with a high alcohol tolerance of 12% ABV, strong beers just create excellent flavor and aroma characteristics.
Strain: Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus
Attenuation: 82-88%
Flocculation: Medium
Alcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV
Optimum Fermentation Temp: 64°F – 82°F
Use: Beer
Belgian Strong Golden Ales
Belgian Strong Dark Ales
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