$1.69 – $3.79
Made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Due to our special caramelization process, a complete caramelization within the grain is achieved. This malt is perfect for amber to dark copper colored beers and intensifies the malt body.
Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).
A great caramel malt for malt forward beer styles with additions up to 10% typically for:
- Pale Lager: Festival beer
- Amber Lager: Maerzen, Smoked beer, Kellerbier, Bamberger Maerzen, Rauchbier
- Dark Lager: Schwarzbier
- Bock: Helles Bock, Dark Bock, Ice Bock, Weizenbock
- Amber Ale: English Pale Mild Ale
- Brown Ale: English Dark Mild Ale
- IPA: Brown IPA
- Strong Ale: British Strong Ale, Imperial Red Ale
- Stout: Irish Stout, Oatmeal Stout, Russian Imperial Stout
- Porter: Coconut Porter, Chocolate Porter, Brown Porter, Robust Porter, Smoked Porter, Imperial Porter
Type: CaraMunich / Caramel Malt
Usage: Up to 10%
Characteristics: Pronounced Caramel Aroma, Pastry Notes
Color: Contributes Dark Amber to Dark Copper Hues
Origin: Germany
Lovibond: 46