
Made from the finest German quality wheat, this malt provides the perfect base for light wheat beers and other top-fermented beer specialties.

Available in ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).

Special malt for top-fermented beer styles. With an addition up to 10%, a full body and foam stability in beer is achieved. Additions up to 80% typically for:

  • Wheat beer: American Wheat Beer, Leichtes Weizen, Weissbeer, Kristal Weizen, Bernsteinfarbenes Weizen, Dark Wheat beer, Weizenbock, American Wheat Wine, Berliner Weisse, Lambic and Fruit Lambic, Gueuze, Witbier, Gose, Lichtenhainer, Sathi
  • Pale Ale: Koelsch-style, Blonde Ale, Summer Ale, German Rye Beer, Juicy Pale Ale, Hazy Pale Ale
  • IPA: White IPA, Juicy IPA, Hazy IPA, NEIPA
  • Strong Ale: Wheat Wine

Type: Wheat Malt
Usage: Up to 10%
Characteristics: Notes of Bread, Nut, Biscuit, Toffee, Light Caramel
Origin: Germany
Lovibond: 2
Range: 0L-5L