Released in 1976 from the USDA breeding program, Willamette is a triploid seedling of English Fuggle. For years, it was the most widely grown aroma variety in the US. It is named after Oregon’s Willamette River which runs through the heart of the state’s hop growing region.
Willamette is one of the most popular hops amongst all types of brewers for its versatility and well-rounded aroma. The moderately spicy, floral and fruity notes compliment just about any style of beer and also blend beautifully with other hops in your recipe. An excellent choice for balanced or malt-forward beers like Pale Ale, Brown Ale, English Ales, or Porters. Sensory profile of Citrus, Hay, Tea, Woody.
Alpha Acid: 4.0 – 6.0%
Use: Aroma/Flavor
Substitutions: Glacier | Fuggle | Tettnang | Styrian Golding | East Kent Golding (EKG)